What We Believe


Hosanna Community Church(HCC) was established with a small number of families in 2017 in the Bay
area. In 2024, our church celebrated its 7th anniversary. Our church still has a small “family” atmosphere where every brother and sister knows every congregation by their first name. Many of our leaders are gifted in caring, hospitality, evangelism, teaching, and leadership, and they all willingly and cheerfully served our Lord and our church through sacrifice and offering their gifts and talents.

Our church slogan for 2024 is (Church radiant with the glory of Jesus) (Exodus 34:29) where we reach out to the local community and the world to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We have a great mission to serve in various areas, especially the Bay Area community. Our church
denomination is a Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterian Church (ECO), and affiliated with a local
Presbytery of Blue Water.

Brief Church Mission Statement: HCC is striving to build a unified Body of Christ, (1) by seeking to reach people through ministries that fill lives with Christ’s love, (2) then equipping them with the Word and Spirit of God, and (3) bringing every person committed to a maturity that magnifies God’s Glory.

As part of the redeemed body of Christ, HCC is focused on reaching out to the community in the Bay
Area. Our church family is committed to joyfully glorifying God by affirming the Lordship of Jesus Christ, growing together and supporting one another in love and unity, extending ministries to those who are in hardships, caring for the weak, and contributing the beauty and uniqueness of our culture to the diversity of God’s Church.

We want HCC to be a church where:

Every person attending HCC is connected and rooted in an authentic community where the grace and
truth of Jesus Christ are fully manifested.

Every member of HCC personally and actively responds to God’s Great Commission both in frontier
missions and local/personal outreach.

Every ministry of HCC is driven by purpose, led by lay leaders, and supported by church members.

Every resource (both financial and personal) of HCC is managed with faithful stewardship to fulfill God’s purposes in the world.

Every second-generation Asian-American and English-speaking congregation members have an
opportunity to worship and praise God.

Brief Description of English Ministry Programs:

HCC holds two main services each Sunday, a Korean-language worship service at 10 am, and an English-language worship service at 11 am. The youth and the children ministries have their own worship service and follow by bible studies during the Korean worship time.

The English Worship Service (EM) will celebrate 2nd anniversary this coming April of 2025 and it has
been a wonderful faith journey for the EM leadership team. At first, the EM was launched to target

second-generation Korean-Americans and college students and now we are serving multi-ethnic
congregation members.

The Youth group begins their Sunday morning with praise and message time and then they break into a small bible study group (middle and high school). Once a month, the youth participates in the teachers-students fellowship activities where they get to know one another very intimately.

In addition, a special joint Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas services are held where children, and
youth join with KM and EM congregations.

Below is the list of ongoing HCC meetings and events.

Worship services and bible study meetings: Sunday worship service in Korean, Sunday worship service in English, Wednesday evening Korean praise gathering, Saturday morning prayer meeting.

Various meetings, gatherings & fellowship including luncheon every Sunday, Coffee Break Bible Study Groups.

Major church events year around:

Easter special program by youth and elementary groups (March/April), Good Friday Service
(March/April), Easter celebration including a special music program (on Easter Sunday), VBS or Summer Program(June or July), Youth retreat and/or camp (summer), Leaders’ retreat (beginning of Spring semester), Thanksgiving praise festival (Thanksgiving Sunday), Christmas special program by youth and children ministry (December), Watch Night Service at New Year’s Eve worship service, etc…